Health Benefits of Emu Oil Capsules

Emu oil gets its name from the source of extraction which is the emu bird species native to Australia. More specifically, this organic oil is extracted from the fat of Emu birds. This product has peculiar qualities which differentiates it to other oils. It is known to contain fatty acids. These properties cause it to have several health benefits. This type of oil can either be applied on skin for taken orally in the form of Emu oil capsules.

Proven Health Benefits of Emu Oil Capsules

Proponents of this organic product usually associate it with a list numerous health benefits. However, some of these claims are bogus. This post lists only those that have been proven scientifically to ensure value to the reader.

Improves Gut Health

An emu oil experiment was conducted using lab rats with severe colon inflammation and tissue damage. The oil was able to successfully minimize the severity of colitis and tissue damage. When this oil was combined with aloe Vera it cured ulcers in lab rats faster than known prescription medicine. In humans emu oil capsules helps improve gut health in a similar manner as it did in that scientific lab experiment.

Helps Hydrate the Skin and offers other Health Benefits

Capsules containing emu oil if taken orally help improve skin hydration. Lab experiments have proven that the oil is more penetrating and moisturizing than other types of oil mostly because of its particularly small particles. In an experiment, orally ingested this oil by rat and mice was seen to improve skin cell production, skin coloration and hair follicle growth.

Helps Cut Bad Cholesterol

Organic oil has a high concentration of mono and polyunsaturated fats. If taken orally the oil reduces bad cholesterol and improves good cholesterol. This has been tested and proven in an experiment involving hamsters that were fed with a diet containing 10% emu oil had notably lower levels of LBD (bad) cholesterol compared to those fed with a diet containing coconut oil or olive oil.

Pacifies the Side Effects of Chemotherapy.

One side effect of chemotherapy is digestive distress. Emu oil capsules benefits such patents by alleviating chemotherapy side effects. The oil in these capsules reduces chemotherapy induced intestinal inflammation and expedites the healing process of the mucous layer of the digestive tract. These effects have been observed in mice and rats which have been subjected to chemotherapy and later treated using this product combined with other known natural cures like aloe Vera. In the same experiment, scientists observed that this oil protected bones from degeneration due to exposure of rats and mice to chemotherapy. The oil destroys osteoclasts which destroy bones and preserves osteoblasts which are bone building cells.

Increases Testosterone and slows down the symptoms of Alzheimer’s

Rats were fed fast foods combined with emu oil in a controlled experiment. These rats were later found to have higher levels of testosterone compared to those fed with fast foods containing olive oil or coconut oil.In an experiment where a mouse specimen with Alzheimer’s disease was fed with a combination of emu oil, Nordic fish oil and tart cherry extract, scientists observed that this combination slowed down the development of cognitive symptoms as indicated by reduced brain cells death and reduced inflammation.

Fatty Acids and Vitamin Composition

Emu is rich in Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. These help in the reduction of arthritic joint pain, muscular pain and inflammation. It also contains Vitamin A which is an antioxidant and a skin tonic

Side Effects

So far, there has been no documented side effects of capsules containing this oil. Although some people have experienced mild irritation when applying the oil topically ( on their skin).The fact that emu oil has no known side effects means that it is safe for use. The benefits of using this product outweigh the risks. However, capsules of the oil may have additional products. The composition of such capsuled depends on the method of extraction of the oil, the bird’s diet and type of fat extracted from the bird. If you are looking to purchase clinically approved emu oil capsules Australia based products, visit our online store.